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Coronavirus Update

Cornerstone Endodontic Coronavirus Update
You and your family’s health is always our highest priority. We desire to always improve our care and to provide a healthy environment. As you are likely aware, Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been verified in the Kansas City area. Although anyone can be infected with the virus and become an infectious carrier, it is particularly dangerous for the elderly, people with underlying health problems, or immunocompromised patients. This disease appears to be very contagious and can be spread through the air and by contact. It is the airborne nature of this disease that makes it difficult to arrest in a community setting, like a doctor’s office or other public gathering.
Although we have and will always practice infection control to the highest level, we need your help to protect other patients, their families, our team, and everyone in our community from this disease. We would ask that if you or anyone in your family has a fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose or other flu-like symptoms to delay your treatment in our office. If you believe you have been exposed to the coronavirus in any way, whether inside the USA or abroad, please delay your treatment in our office. If you are in any of these categories, we would ask that you be tested, for your peace of mind and knowledge, to thereby be informed of your carrier status, and to protect others in your circles and in our office. If you have not been tested, but fall into these groups we would ask that your delay treatment in our office for 14 days from the last day of any of the described situations. This protocol may save someone’s life. We care greatly about you and others and appreciate your cooperation and help to protect everyone in our office, their families, and our wonderful community.
With Sincere Thanks,
Cornerstone Endodontics


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